Local government finance settlement: technical consultation

posted on 20 September 2017, updated on 20 September 2017

The DCLG's Local Government FInance Settlement 2018 to 2019: Technical Consultation was published on 14 September 2017. It sets out the government’s intended approach for the third year of the multi-year local government finance settlement.

The consultation outlines the third year of the multi-year settlement offer for those councils that accepted the offer, and arrangements for those that did not.

It also outlines the method for distributing New Homes Bonus funding, the proposed council tax referendum principles, and the approach for adjusting business rates tariffs and topups to cancel out the impact of the 2017 business rates revaluation.

The proposed referendum principles are a core principle of less than 2%; a continuation of the adult social care precept of an additional 2% with additional flexibility to increase the precept to 3% in 2018/19 provided that the total increase does not exceed 6% over the three years to 2019/20; and shire district councils and police forces in the lowest quartile to be allowed increases of less than 2% or up to £5, whichever is higher.

The consultation closes on 26 October 2017.