Request for new finance member on TISonline Planning editorial board

posted on 03 January 2017, updated on 03 January 2017

CIPFA’s TISonline Planning editorial board is currently seeking new members with experience in finance and knowledge of working with local authority planning departments. We would welcome either finance practitioners with knowledge of planning, or for example a planning obligations officer who engages with the finance team.

The Planning board is responsible for writing and updating TISonline Planning, an online guide that promotes how effective planning can support the management of public finances, creating a vision for an area and then helping to deliver and manage change – and then inform the allocation of resources to help deliver that vision. Strategic planning in the public sector can greatly strengthen the financial sustainability of a local authority.

Being a board member involves writing or updating content for TISonline and providing feedback on drafts written by others. The board meets on average two times a year to discuss draft content and agree on future updating plans.

Becoming an editorial board member offers the opportunity to share knowledge and expertise and keep up to date with the latest developments in the sector. Membership can also contribute towards CPD schemes operated by CIPFA and other organisations. No prior editorial board experience is necessary. Download our contributor pack for more details.

For further information please contact Jonathan Last.

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