Local government groups promote digital transformation

posted on 27 May 2016, updated on 27 May 2016

The Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (Solace), the Local Government Association, the Society of Information Technology Management and the Local Chief Information Officer Council have jointly called on council leaders to use digital technology to help transform services.

The joint paper argues that digital innovation is a 'key pillar of the transformation the sector is currently undergoing', citing the case of Hammersmith and Fulham LBC, which has developed a customer self-service portal that has helped save the London borough £1.15m a year.

The paper calls for local leaders to:

  • champion digital innovation in their own authority by acting as role model in the use of technology, making resources available and finding space for innovation
  • promote digital innovation across the sector by sharing and promoting their own organisation’s best practice, as well as being open to learning from others and seeing potential for collaboration; and
  • share and collaborate not just across local government but with central government, the NHS and other bodies too.

Martin Reeves, Chief Executive of Coventry City Council and Solace Spokesperson for Digital Leadership, said: 

It is vital that all local leaders are on board with this agenda. That’s why we have come together with the other key membership bodies in our sector to promote and build the leadership required.