CIPFA Fraud and Corruption Tracker survey

posted on 11 April 2016, updated on 11 April 2016

The second annual CIPFA Fraud and Corruption Tracker (CFaCT) survey is now open and we are encouraging your organisation to complete it.

CFaCT is the national overview of all fraud, bribery and corruption activity across local authorities. It examines the levels of fraud and corruption detected, the number of investigations undertaken, the types of fraud encountered and emerging trends.

CFaCT also includes questions commissioned by the Fighting Fraud and Corruption Locally Board and the Home Office, giving a full picture of the actions being taken by local authorities.

In return for completing the survey, you will receive a copy of the national results and a report that examines how your counter fraud activities and performance compare to your peers, free of charge.

To access the survey click on the link below. We ask that one survey is completed per local authority.