Welsh Government publishes Council Tax update and information

posted on 20 January 2021, updated on 20 January 2021

The Welsh Government has published Council Tax information for 2021/22.

The document shows the total number of dwellings liable for Council Tax in Wales for 2021/22 is expected to rise by 8,278 or 0.6% over the previous year to 1,396,860. For calculating Revenue Support Grant, this total is equivalent to 1,259,101 band D dwellings. Vale of Glamorgan shows the highest increase of band D equivalent dwellings at 1.4%.

The document also provides figures for the total number of dwellings in Wales, those that are liable for Council Tax ie chargeable dwellings, those that are exempt from Council Tax, those that receive discount on their Council Tax and those that are required to pay a premium on their Council Tax.

In 2021/22, 515,100 or 37% of all chargeable dwellings will receive a discount. There has been an increase in the number of council tax premiums on long term empty and second homes since their introduction in 2017-18.

Read the full document here.