Have your say on Libraries Deliver: an Ambition for Public Libraries

posted on 13 May 2016, updated on 13 May 2016

You can have your say on what the government should prioritise in library reform by taking part in the public consultation on the Libraries Taskforce's draft vision Libraries Deliver: an Ambition for Libraries in England 2016-2021.

The document reflects on the evolving role of libraries in light of changing public expectations. It presents a vision for the future and discusses how it should be achieved.  It also illustrates how libraries support people during every phase of their lives and the value they add across a wide range of areas.

Complete the online questionnaire by the end of Friday 3 June. There’s also a series of workshops around the country in May/June - register your interest to take part here. Alternatively email your thoughts directly to librariestaskforce@culture.gov.uk.