Fixing Our Broken Housing Market

posted on 07 March 2018, updated on 07 March 2018

The Housing White Paper, Fixing Our Broken Housing Market, was published in February 2017 and set out the government's plans to increase housing supply. The response to the consultation has been published on 5 March 2018.

The government has also published its response to the separate consultation Planning for the Right Homes in the Right Places, which covered proposals to reform the planning system, including a new standard method for calculating housing need in local authority areas.

The government is now consulting on a draft revised National Planning Policy Framework that will implement a number of proposals, and on changes to developer contributions.

Plans include a new housing delivery test, more freedoms to maximise density on existing brownfield land, new quality standards, measures aimed at closing the gap between planning permissions granted and homes built, and changes to the system of developer contributions.

The two new consultations, on the draft revised National Planning Policy Framework and on developer contributions, close on 10 May 2018.

See the MHCLG news release for more information.