Welsh Government publishes Local Authority Revenue Budget and Capital Forecast 2019-20 (Revised)

The Welsh Government has published its revised Local Authority Revenue Budget and Capital Forecast for 2019-20. The statistical release analyses the revenue and capital expenditure that Welsh local authorities are forecast to spend in the 2019-20 financial year.

Revenue expenditure is the cost of running local authority services such as staffing, heating, lighting and cleaning, together with expenditure on goods and services consumed within the year.

Capital spending is mainly buying, constructing or improving physical assets such as buildings, land and vehicles.

Budget requirement is the amount each authority estimates as its planned spending, after deducting any funding from reserves and specific grants. 

30% of budget requirement is funded from council tax. The balance of funding over time shows an increase in the council tax requirement and a decrease in central government support.

Read the full forecast report here.