Other Sectors

Charity Accounting icon

Charity Accounting and Financial Management

The Charity Accounting and Financial Management information stream provides practical information for staff and volunteers working in the charities sector, as well as for commissioners, funders and others that work with charitable organisations. The stream covers the key areas of financial reporting for charities, offering guidance on the day-to-day practicalities of financial planning and control. Other topics covered include trading, tax matters and assurance, and the stream also features guidance on the 'basics' for those new to charity finance.
Housing Finance Manual icon

Housing Association Finance

Housing Association Finance is produced jointly by CIPFA and the National Housing Federation, and is a comprehensive guide to financial management for housing associations. It provides practical guidance on all key aspects of housing management and financial functions, including development finance, revenue income, asset management, accounts, treasury management, insurance, risk management and taxation.
Police and Fire icon

Police and Fire

The Police and Fire information stream provides an overview of the organisation and financial management of the police service and the fire and rescue service. For both police and fire, the information stream sets out the organisational structure, legislative background and the main management and financial issues, including funding, revenue and capital finance, accounting, audit and inspection. The information stream complements other TISonline finance-focused streams by highlighting those issues that are particularly relevant to finance practitioners in the police and fire and rescue services.
Social Enterprise icon

Social Enterprise

Social Enterprise is a topic of growing significance, both nationally and in a regional context, and has an increasingly important role to play in the government’s agenda. This information stream aims to provide a wide range of practical information on social enterprises, especially in relation to their involvement in delivering public services. The content can be used by those working in social enterprises and those looking to develop them, as well as those working with them as funders, commissioners or partners.