Vacancies on the CIPFA VAT Committee

posted on 20 April 2016, updated on 20 April 2016

The Committee is looking to fill the following vacancies:

  • county council representative
  • London borough representative.

The CIPFA VAT Committee provides a forum where local authorities’ interests relating to VAT and its impact can be raised with HMRC. The Committee’s focus is establishing core principles and practice with HMRC and undertaking preparatory work in advance of major change or initiatives to allow local authorities to prepare for change.

CIPFA is seeking members who are local authority employees with VAT experience, emanating from either a finance or tax specialism background. 

As well as experience, potential new members will be judged against the following criteria:

  • willingness to undertake research on behalf of the Committee and to play a proactive part in meetings
  • a commitment to furthering the aims of the Committee.

To be considered for this position, email Mark Jenkins ( by Friday 20 May 2016 outlining your experience and highlighting any areas in which you have a particular focus or specialism. Please consider the requirements above in your response.